Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau

Fraud, Waste, and Mismanagement

Reporting Form

Before submitting your form, please make sure the web address — forms.legis.wisconsin.gov with a lock symbol — appears in your browser's address bar. Together, the lock symbol and the correct web address ensure that you have established a secure connection to our server.

If you are concerned about your computer being monitored, do not use a public or work computer to complete your form. If a private computer is unavailable, consider printing a form and then completing it. Mail your completed form to the address below.

Legislative Audit Bureau
Attn: Fraud, Waste, and Mismanagement Hotline
22 East Mifflin Street, Suite 500
Madison, WI 53703

For additional privacy and to prevent your form information from being stored on the computer from which it was entered, please use private or incognito browsing mode. If you would like to use this feature, follow the directions below for your particular browser.

Google Chrome

  • Click the menu icon in the upper right and choose New Incognito Window

Microsoft Edge

  • On a new window, hit the "..." in the upper right and choose New InPrivate Window

Internet Explorer

  • Click the Safety button, and then click InPrivate Browsing

Mozilla Firefox

  • Click the menu button in the upper right and choose New Private Window

Apple Safari

  • In the File menu, choose New Private Window

Once you have a private window, simply go to https://forms.legis.wisconsin.gov in that window.

State Agency/Program Involved

We investigate allegations of fraud and other improper acts by state agencies, employees, and contractors. Before continuing, please review the following resources to ensure your allegation will be properly addressed by this hotline.

Other Hotlines and Resources (click to read)

Suspected Problem (Required)

Whenever possible, include the names of individuals, departments, programs, position titles, and other information to support your concern. We require sufficient detail to initiate a review, and anonymous allegations that do not include sufficient information will not be pursued. Typical information provided may include:


  • Why is this a concern?


  • What laws, policies, or procedures were violated?
  • If state funds are involved, what is the source of funds and amount(s)?
  • What resolution are you seeking?


  • When did the inappropriate activity occur?
  • When did you become aware of it?


  • Who acted inappropriately?
  • Who else has knowledge of the activity?


  • At what location did the activity occur?
  • Where can we find evidence?


  • How did the issue come to your attention?
  • How do you know the individuals involved?

Other Action Taken

Your Relationship to Suspected Problem

Information on your relationship to the suspected problem or persons involved can help us understand your concern.

Contact Information (Optional)

You may remain anonymous, and the law requires us to protect the identity of informants even when information related to our follow-up is made public. However, we will not initiate a review without adequate cause, and anonymous allegations that do not include sufficient information will not be pursued.

Please mail copies of documents and evidence to the address below.

Legislative Audit Bureau
Attn: Fraud, Waste, and Mismanagement Hotline
22 East Mifflin Street, Suite 500
Madison, WI 53703

You will have the opportunity to print the completed form after submission if you would like a copy for your records.

ERROR: You must enter some text in the Suspected Problem text box to be able to submit your form.